2010年1月21日 星期四

Tahki Huang

Tahki Huang, 20, studies in Fu Jen Catholic University and major in Mass Communication.she was born from a middle-class family, and raised in Taipei since December 2th,1988. Art is her favorite subject, whenever just to believe herself, her heart is filled with great joy and interest.
She likes to drawing, playing music and she have many hobbies such as drawing, watching movies ,dancing, shopping and playing music . She should take her live seriously and cherish every minute. Besides, she is really an optimistic, lovely person, and she is confident that she can be a responsible one at this.
She had studied a lot. As for her future, It must be hard and full of mean tricks, but she is really enjoyed in the process of overcoming the obstacles and completing the tasks. She will accomplish her wish step by step. She could be do the best of her ability.

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