2010年1月21日 星期四

Puppetry Art Center of Taipei

Puppetry Art Center of Taipei is a museum dedicated exclusively to the display, performance, teaching, and collection of puppets and puppetry. There are three areas in the Center; glove puppet area, shadow puppet area and string puppet area.

The first signs of Puppetry Art Center of Taipei go back In 1998, Lin Ching-fu(林經甫), chairman of the Taiyuan Arts(臺原藝術) and Culture Foundation, donated his personal collection of puppets, which he had gathered over several decades, to the Taipei City Government, in the hope of establishing a venue where these puppets could be preserved and exhibited in perpetuity. At last, Puppetry Art Center of Taipei was opened On August 7, 2004.

If someone has interest in the glove puppetry, there are very much antiques about glove puppetry in the Puppetry Art Center of Taipei. People can understand the history and development of puppetry, both traditional and contemporary, and make their unique hand puppets in here.

The Center’s core ideal is “For the love of creativity, for the love of puppetry”. It was hoped become a bridge between the tradition and modernity, introduce puppetry-related culture to people.

↓The glove puppet stage in the glove puppet area.

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