2010年1月21日 星期四

Music instruments of the glove puppet布袋戲樂器

The music of the glove puppet has change in every particular period, in the early period, traditional Nanguan music performances used fixed tunes and voices, Nanguan is noble and graceful, it is popular with the intellectual. In the middle period, the highly rhythmical music of Beiguan is to be in vogue, Beiguan is vulgar than Nanguan, but it is lively than Nanguan, so Beiguan became dominant. After 1950s, the glove puppet used pre-recorded music into the background, so the music of glove puppet will to keep on the change with the trend.

Sanxian Lute(Three-stringed Lute) (三絃)
The sanxian (three-stringed) lute is common to both Nanguan and Beiguan music traditions. The Nanguan lute is a long-necked hand-held instrument, when uses nylon strings. The front and back of its body is convered with snakeskin. Often payed in accompaniment with the PI LI lute, Nanguan’s three-stringed lute produces a sound that is both deep and full-bpdied. Beiguan’s three-stringed lute, in contrast, has a shorter neck, yet its sound is brighter. This three- stringer lute currently on display belongs to the Nan Guan music tradition.

Erxian(Two-stringed Fiddle) 二絃
The erxian two-stringed fiddle is used in Nanguan music. It is composed of a wooden body made in the shape of a drum, a neck made from the roots of bamboo joints, and silk strings. Producing a sound that is both delicate and minute, the two-stringed fiddle always acts as a supporting instrument, and therefore mostly doubles the melodies of the dong xiao vertical bamboo flute.

Yamudazai(Duck Flute) 鴨母達仔
The yamudazar is a bamboo reed pipe with seven apertures. The instrument is called duck fiute because the character “ya” in “yamudazar” represents the duck. It contains an inserted red made from the same material as the suona’s double-reed. Since the tone color of the instriment is rough and cheerless, the yamudazar is often used in sorrowful melodies. It is a Nan Guan instrument.

Aichuizai 愛吹仔
The aichuizai is also known by names “yuai” or “shaochui”. It is atype of small suona, which uses a more slender blowhole. The aichuizai’s dynamic range is smaller than that of the common suona. However, although it is smaller in sound its tone color is exquisite. It is often used in Nan Guan music.

Dizi(Traverse Flute) 笛子
The dizi traverse flute is held horizontally when played and is entirely made from hollow banboo. On the tube of the instrument is a set of apertures; located midway between the blowhole and grope of six fingerholes is an extra hole covered by a thin membrane, which produces vibrant tone color. The sound of the traverse flute is clear, relaxed, and melodious. It is played extensively in both Nanguan and Beiguan music.

Pengling(Pengling Bells) 碰鈴
Pengling bells are also called “shuangying” (double sound)or “shuangzhong” (double bells). They are pair of small copper bells, which are clapped tpgether. Pengling bells have no fixed pitch, but sound gentle and apperling to the ear, and help add richness to music. They are used in Nanguan and Beiguan tradition, and usually accompany emotionally charged melodies.

Biangu(Flat Drum) 扁鼓
The biangu flat drum is a small sized percussion instrument that can be drummed from either of its sides. When performed, the drum is held by one hand, while the other strikes it with a wooden beater. The biangu flat drum is a loe-pitched instrument, belonging to Nanguan and Beiguan music traditions.

Zhonghu(Alto Er HU Fiddle) 中胡
“Zhonghu” is the short name for an alto erhu fiddle. The zhonghu is identical in composition to the erth, but it has a large body, which is predominately covered in snakeskin. Sounding deep in timber, the zhonghu is classified as a middle register string instrument, and much resembles the role the viola plays in western classical music. It is used in both Nanguan as well as Beiguan music traditions.

Jinghu(High Fiddle) 京胡
The jinghu is employed principally in Beiguan music, and is the lead instrument in the musical accompaniment of Beiling opera, hence its name. The body of the jinghu is cylindrical, it has steel strings, and its bow is made of bamboo. It is an instrument sharp and clarion in timbre, and therefore is also called “diao gui zi” (hanging devil).

Suona 嗩吶
The word “suona” is aliteral transliteration of the Persian instrument named “suma”. Commonly referred to as “guchui” among the Tawanese, the suona is divided into tube, belowhole, and bell sections. The tubeis constructed of wood, from which are carved eight fingerholes. A double-reed is inserted into the top of the suona’s copper based blowhole, and this area rather than the bell of the instrument is where sound resonates from. The bell is also made from copper, and helps to has great dynamic range and bright tone color. Therefore, it is a suitable instrument during jubilant events, or grand theatrical scenes. The suona is often employed in Beiguan music.

Xiaoluo(Small gong) 小鑼
The xiaoluo small gong is a flat circular copper disc with a hemispheric bulge located in its center. It is a percussion instrument of the same design and function as the small gong used in the backcourt of Chinese opera. The timbre of the shaoluo gong is clear and smooth, and is used for comical effect. Theresore the instrument is usually emoloyed as background to literati, female, and comic roles as they enter and exit the stage, adding to the more subtle gestures in their performances.

Dachao(Large Cymbals) 大鈔
Dachao large cymbals are two flat copper discs with hemispheric bulbs located in their centers. When the instrument is played, the two discs are struck together to indicate changes in rhythm. These cymbals are heavy in weight, and sound full and resonant. They are used to either accent tempo, or follow the temple of gongs. Dachao cymbals are classified as a Beiguan musical instrument.

Xiaochao(Small Cymbals) 小鈔
With exception to the diameter of the instrument, Xiaochao small cymbals are identical in design to dachao large cymbals. They are, however, clearer and more minute in sound that of the dachao. Xiaochao cynbals are a Beiguan percussion instrument.

Ban(Board/Palban) 板
The ban board is a set of there separate wood slabs joined together by a cord. It is a rhythmic percussion instrument, which is played by “clapping” the boards together. In Beiguan music, the ban is used in the backcourt of a theatre to control temple, and is played by skilled percussionist.

Tonggu(Tong Drum) 通鼓
The tonggu drum is a medium-sized percussion instrument, covered on both of its drumming surfaces by leater. It is usually performed together with the shaogu small drum, and is classified as a Beiguan musical instrument. It is bright in tone color, and its name is onomatopoeic, because it makes a “tong” sound when played. The tonggu drum is usually performed during war scenes to increease the fierce and intense atmosphere of a battle.

Kouzai 扣仔
Also known as “concussion bars” or “wooden clappers”, the kouzai is a type of percussion instrument. When played, the left hand holds a slab of hardwood with a hole dug into its center, while the right hand strikes the slab with a wooden mallet. In a performance, the kouzai is usually played by a percussion instruments. The sound of the instrument is crisp, sharp, and add to the atmosphere of a drama. The kouzai is a Beiguan musical instrument.

Records and Phonograph 唱片及唱盤
The popular of televised glove puppetry led to the idolization of main characters, rather than puppet masters. In addition, background music and songs played during the appearance of main characters also became fashionable. This record, which was played for the popular television serious “Yun Zhou Da Ru Xia Shi Yan Wen” (Shi Yan Wen, the chivairous Man of Yun Province), was in fact released as a soundtrack at tha time.

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